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Set up permission profiles

Control what users on your team can access within your events and organizations

Written by Rachel Coles
Updated over 3 years ago

Understanding Permission Profiles

Permission profiles allow you to create groups of users who can view and access different features and functionality within Lennd. They can be set both on the organization and event level.

  • A permission is an action a user can do within your organization.

  • A profile is a set of permissions. A profile (e.g. "Admin", "Read Only", "Volunteer", etc.) is assigned to one or more users to control what they can do or see.

    • Default profiles are provided by Lennd and cannot be modified.

      • Example: Admin User

    • Custom profiles are specific to your team and can be edited.

      • Examples: Catering Manager, Passes Manager

By default, users are assigned to the Admin permission profile, which has full capabilities and cannot be edited. If you want to add users with limited permissions, create custom profiles before adding them to Lennd.

Creating Custom Profiles

You can create custom profiles to control permissions for different users. When you invite a user into the system, you can assign this custom profile to the user.

  1. Sign into Lennd and access the organization or event you want to modify.

  2. Click "Team" from the left-hand navigation panel.

  3. Click "Permissions" in the center panel and "Create New Profile."

  4. Name the profile and create it.

Once the profile is created, you can click on it to edit the name, duplicate, or delete it. You can also enable various permissions for the features that are listed in the center panel.

Enabling Permissions in Custom Profiles

In the center panel, a list of permissions is displayed for the selected profile. Toggle the button at the right of each row to enable permissions for that feature, or click on a row to show each permissions within the feature, and enable those individually by toggling the buttons.

You can follow the above steps to enable any other features.


Permissions are specific to each feature. Most permissions fall under one of these categories.

  • View (useful for read-only access)

  • Add

  • Update

  • Delete

  • Manage settings

  • Export access

If you have questions about permissions, or customizing your permission profiles, please contact us using the chat bubble.

When you are satisfied with your permission profiles, add users and assign them to the appropriate permission profile.

Changing permissions for admin users

Changing an admin user to another permission profile with limited permissions means that they lose their admin permissions.

If you are an admin and need to test a permission profile, we recommend adding another user/email with that profile to ensure you don't lose your admin user privileges.

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