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Setting up Passes and Credentials

Watch videos or read tips on how to set up passes, categories, items, variants, zones, track inventory, and set pass approvers.

Written by Rachel Coles
Updated over 2 years ago

Lennd enables you to manage pass and credential requests for your event team members. You can process, approve, and deny their requests, issue and/or check-in passes as they are distributed, integrate with a ticketing system to send approved orders to them for fulfillment, or export data to upload into a ticketing or access control system.

Passes Set-Up - Video Series

Video 1 - set up dashboard & passes (categories, items, variants, prices)

This video shows how to configure your dashboard widgets to show different passes and pass statuses.

Next, we review how to enter your passes into Lennd, group into categories, create or clone items (passes), add prices, and when to use pass variants vs. creating new items.

Key Steps For Pass Setup:

Overview: enter your credential name, choose the category, assign a colour.

Dates: set the date(s) of the credential.

Zones: apply zones to the pass

Tracking: enter the total amount you have of this credential. This is shown in the dashboard summary.

Note: the system will not prevent you from assigning/approving more than what you've enter for your inventory. It is just a visual representation.

You can also choose to assign passes via a number range, or issue passes by scanning an RFID or barcode from the pass.

Prices: prices can be configured and set as default for each pass item. Note that by default each pass does not have a price. You do not need to set a $0 price as the default is considered a comp price.

Variants: variants can be created from each pass; alternatively, you can clone items to quickly create new passes and customize the details.

Video 2 - Managing Inventory

This video is for clients who wish to auto-assign inventory when passes are approved, track passes using a number range, or import a pre-set list of barcodes to assign to passes (e.g. to print).

Pro Tips:

  • Each inventory code must be on its own line.

  • Codes are alphanumeric.

  • Ensure there are no spaces, punctuation, empty lines (cells) or bad codes before adding them.

Video 3 - Using Zones

This video is for clients who print passes through Lennd and want to match passes to zones in their venue.

Video 4 - Zone Grid

This video demonstrates how to manage the zone grid.

Video 5 - Setting Approvers

This video explains how to set approvers, the difference between a form and pass approver, and how to unset approvers so their orders will be placed as pending.

When there are multiple approvers:

  • Any approver can change an entity’s state from pending to approved or denied.

  • Once an entity is approved, other users cannot deny it and override the approval. The approver must undo review (revert to pending) and then they or another approver can action it as denied.

  • However, if an entity is set as denied by one approver and a subsequent approver sets it as approved, this will trump the denial status and set the entity as approved.

Pro Tips:

  • If no approver is set all orders will auto - approve.

  • Always check settings first if you are unable to approve passes.

  • Admin users can set any other user or themselves as a pass approver.

  • Not all admins are set as approvers by default - best practice is to set their approval status after they have been added to your team.

  • If you want to import a list of pass orders as pending, turn yourself off as an approver before processing the import. You can change your approver status back on once the import has processed. Those orders will remain pending approval or denial.

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